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  • Parent & Carer Support

    Parent & Carer Support for pupils at Lansdowne Turney Federation

    Our parents and carers have asked for more information on different services that support children, young people and their families both in and outside of school.

    Liberty Card

    The card can be used as proof of an individual’s disability and enables easy access to available concessions and fast-tracking.

    Lambeth Parent Forum

    The Lambeth Parent Forum is open to all parents and carers of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities aged 0-25 in Lambeth.

    National Organisations providing information and support


    The National Autistic Society (NAS) is a British charity for people with autistic spectrum disorders (ASD), including autism and Asperger syndrome. The purpose of the organisation is to improve the lives of people with autism in the United Kingdom.

    The NAS Lambeth Autism Group welcomes all parents/carers with children on the autistic spectrum and autistic adults.


    Lambeth and Southwark Mind is an independent local charity working for the well-being of people in the boroughs of Lambeth and Southwark who are experiencing any kind of mental distress. We provide information and support, and we campaign for better services.





    Local Support Services


    Families in Lambeth can get different kinds of help, for both parents and children. This can include courses in parenting skills, advice and activities through children’s centres and free early-learning for under fives.

    Lambeth Parent Information Advice and Support is universally free at the point of access and works for parents and carers of targeted children and young people with SEND and with their families.

    Triple P Stepping Stones is a programme for parents with children who have a disability aged 2-12 years

    London & the Southern Home Counties


    Family Lives work closely with local communities through their services for families, and their local network of volunteers. Find out what they are doing and how you can get involved.



    Guy’s and St Thomas Community Speech Language and Therapy is a service. working with you child in school. They help children who have difficulties with their communication.

    Occupational therapy helps people take part in daily life to improve their health and wellbeing. For children and young people this might include helping them with eating, washing, using the toilet, doing their schoolwork or playing with friends and hobbies. Parents / carers can self-refer if they have previously been known to the service.


    Services providing after-school and holiday clubs

    Lifelong Family Links is a registered charity offering CARE AND SUPPORT in London for parents and children with disabilities. Lifelong Family Links also runs a project in the Borough of Southwark, offering support to adults with special needs, aiming to empower adults with disabilities and learning disabilities to make life choices that lead to healthy and fulfilling lives.


    Charlie Chaplin Adventure Playground provides high quality play provision for children and young people with a range of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). Charlie Chaplin accepts referrals for disabled children and young people from the Social Services, Children With Disabilities Teams in Lambeth and Southwark.


    Oasis Children’s Venture is a local charity that runs three different and unique facilities for children and young people in Stockwell, London.


    Whippersnappers aims to provide a diverse cultural platform from which children and adults of all ages, needs and backgrounds can express and educate themselves through music, sports and the arts.


    Charities that support children and families


    Family Fund is the UK’s largest charity providing grants for families raising disabled or seriously ill children and young people.


    Wellchild provides practical and emotional support to seriously ill children, young people and their families, enabling them to leave hospital and live life in their own homes.

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