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  • Careers Aims

    Career Support for Students at Turney School

    Students are able to gain careers advice from our careers adviser, Solly:

    “Hi, I’m Solly, a Level 6 qualified Independent Career Adviser, supporting young people with special educational needs to reach their full potential and passion through coaching and guidance.

    I always ensure the students are at the centre of my practice. I’m mindful of their individuality and work from a place of impartiality, compassion and openness.

    My role is to support schools with career guidance and the broader school careers strategy.”

    Our Careers Lead at Turney School is Collin Jones.


    Phone number: 020 8670 7220













    Lansdowne School Career Aims


    The Lansdowne School careers programme aims to:

    • Encourage students to be ambitious, broaden their horizons and explore their own career aspirations throughout their life at school.


    • Wnsure students’ readiness to take their next step in their learning or career.
      help students to understand the changing world of work.


    • Facilitate meaningful encounters with employers for all students.


    • Support positive transitions post-16 and post-18.


    • Enable students to develop the research skills to find out about opportunities.


    • Help students to develop the skills, attitudes and qualities to make a successful transition into the world of work.


    • Encourage participation in continued learning, including further education and apprenticeships
      support inclusion, challenging stereotyping and promoting equality of opportunity.


    • Contribute to strategies for raising achievement, particularly by increasing motivation.


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