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  • Turney Curriculum

    The curriculum at Turney School is based on child centred individualised learning for all our children and young people. Children begin their learning through the Early Years Foundation stage in Reception, though curriculum delivery continues to be based on experience, engagement and child centred play that reflects the Early Years Foundation Stage framework. The curriculum focusses on developing communication, independence, physical development, well-being and living in the wider world through the six areas of learning:

    • Communication, language and literacy
    • Mathematical development
    • Personal, social and emotional development
    • Physical development
    • The world around me
    • Expressive arts and design



    Our curriculum starts with context, building on prior knowledge in a sequential and relevant way, starting with the child, building on immediate experiences, expanding to the community, to developing an understanding of the wider world.


    The children and young people follow individual learning pathways – the Engagement and Semi-Formal pathways.  We aim to meet the needs of our children and young people, so they are able to access the curriculum through therapy support and Autism specific approaches, as reflected in the Education Health and Care Plans.

    Please see below for detailed information on the different aspects of our curriculum and the implentation within the school.

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