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  • Headteachers Welcome

    Welcome to Lansdowne School!

    Lansdowne School is situated a short walk from the centre of vibrant Brixton.  We have a purpose built school for young people aged 11-19 years of age who have autism, or a speech and language delay, as well as special educational needs.


    We are an active part of the community and take advantage of the local and wider London area to support our academic and personal and social development curriculum.  The wide range of transport opportunities close to the school, for example, allow our students to develop independent living skills, including cycling.  Forest School and the Duke of Edinburgh Award build resilience, confidence and self-esteem.  Post 16 students welcome all to our Enterprise Café.


    We recognise our students as individuals and students follow individual learning pathways, which support accreditation and workability.


    We welcome you to our web-site, or please feel free to book a tour of the school, which take place every Thursday at 11.30am.

    Linda Adams, Executive Headteacher

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