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  • Enterprise Cafe

    !!Our Enterprise Cafe is now Open!!

    Our Next Cafe Opening is on : 19/03/2025- 11AM-2PM!


    We are proud to say our 'Enterprise Cafe' is up and running and available for all to come and visit us and have a coffee and cake supplied by our hard working students. 








    Our team have worked very hard to get the cafe up and running and provide great Tea, Coffee and Cakes at great prices for anyone who wants to visit. 







    You can find us at: 
    Rosendale Road Community Hall
    147 Peabody Cottages
    Peabody Cottages,
    Peabody Estate,
    Rosendale Road
    SE24 9DR




    Our Next Cafe Opening is on : 19/03/2025 - 11AM-2PM!

    Come and join us !!

    Following dates, 
    14th May
    11th June
    Lansdown Turney Federation Logo