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  • Our Ethos

    We believe every student:

    Has a right to access the curriculum.

    Will lead a full and independent life.

    Should be treated with respect, dignity and integrity.

    Should feel safe and secure at school.

    We Aim for every student to:

    Be part of the community

    To move on successfully to further education.

    Have the life skills to be able to live independently.

    Enjoy sports and leisure.

    To be safe.

    To be able to communicate effectively.

    We aim to:

    To work closely with families.

    Inspire confident, independent individuals who take responsibility for their actions and who understand their role in our community and the world they share with everybody.

    Value everyone as an individual and encourage respect for each other.

    Providing a stimulating, exciting, challenging and engaging curriculum.

    Promote the wellbeing of everyone in the school so that they are happy and confident in all they do.

    Ensure effective communication between all.

    To recognise and celebrate success in all aspects of school life.

    The school applies A holistic approach to learning, and works closely with speech therapists, the school doctor and nurse, as well as outside agencies to enable all children and young people with special educational needs to access the academic and social curriculum.

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