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Roots and Shoots

What is Roots and shoots? 



Roots and shoots offers students a chance to get hands on with the outdoors in a setting where skills and practical knowledge are fostered. We work closely with tutors and teachers to achieve certificates such as land management. Lansdowne students get the opportunity to build, plant and create within the two hour workshops, allowing for growth and development in their knowledge of horticulture. 






Some of the activities students have completed include planting seasonal fruits and vegetables, managing compost and mulch across the garden, using the correct tools for specific jobs and making meals with the food they harvest.

Roots and Shoots is a kind and nurturing environment for students to learn about patience, hard work and responsibility, whilst getting outdoors in an urban city farm located close to school.






Students have enjoyed being able to eat the fruits of their labour (literally), and learn how to harvest at the correct times.

We have also been able to develop communication skills whilst working alongside volunteers and community members within the garden.


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