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At Lansdowne, our young people develop technology knowledge and skills in Food Technology and Textiles.

There are two highly specialist Food Technology rooms, which allow students to work in individual units to develop and consolidate the skills needed to safely prepare and cook food.  In Key Stage 3, as part of their work with food, students learn where food comes from, the basic principles of a healthy diet in preparing dishes, as well as seasonality.


In Key Stages 4 and 5 students consolidate this knowledge in preparing for national accreditation in Food Technology.  In Key Stage 5 students also work towards employability in running the Enterprise Café, where they learn first hand the skills needed to work successfully in hospitality.


As part of the art curriculum, students across the key stages learn the skills and build their understanding of textiles, through designing and making a range of items, such as cushions, bags, toys and T-shirts.  Like art, this is an enjoyable subject, allowing students to develop fine motor skills, make choices and work towards the end product.

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