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Our humanities curriculum encompasses history, geography and Religious Education.


In history students start to develop historical knowledge first hand from themselves, developing a time-line, looking at changes within living memory and significant events, which occurred close to the school, such as the Great Fire of London.  They continue in Key Stage 3 to build knowledge an understanding in a sequential way looking at the impact of the Romans in Britain, Anglo-Saxon and Viking settlements, leading up to the Norman Conquest.  Students will also become familiar with key time periods and events.

History is continued into Key Stage 4 where students will continue to study the Norman Conquest in greater depth.


Students develop their geographical knowledge in a similar to history by starting with the immediate environment, expanding to the local area, the United Kingdom and the wider world.  They will explore physical and human geography through comparison and observation through trips and visits, as well as learning mapping and simple compass skills, followed up with reports of their findings.


Religious Education again relates directly to our students, looking specifically at creation stories, religious festivals and places of worship.


Our humanities curriculum support our young people to understand and participate in the community, develop leisure interest and life skills through trips and visits.

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