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  • Pupil Premium

    Turney School Pupil Premium Statement

    Pupil Premium is allocated to effectively apply additional support to impact on pupil progress.

    The Pupil Premium funding is allocated to schools with pupils ranging from Reception and Year 11 who are eligible for free school meals, anytime in the last six years and who are looked after or adopted.

    Turney students have an Autistic Spectrum Condition and associated learning disabilities. Most of our pupils are non-verbal and have significant speech, language and communication needs.

    At Turney School we use the Pupil Premium to work in a multi-disciplinary approach with other professionals to support pupils’ individual needs.

    We measure the impact of Pupil Premium strategies through progress assessment and multi-disciplinary interventions such as SCERTS, Occupational Therapy and Speech and Language Therapy.

    The most recent Pupil Premium statement can be found below.

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